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Mews Wastewater System Upgrades

Mayfield Electric & Water Systems is underway with two wastewater system upgrades. The first being the Mayfield Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall discharge and the second being the 10th Street lift station and force-main replacement.

The existing Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall line was installed in 1992 when the Wastewater Plant was constructed. Since that time the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination Standards for the Wastewater Plant has changed due to environmental regulations. The Creek which the existing outfall discharges into is the Woolen Mill Ditch. The new outfall line will discharge into Mayfield Creek. This will allow us to comply with the discharge parameters that we currently have on our Kentucky PDES Permit. The total cost of this project is $247,540.

The existing 10th Street Lift Station and Force-main was installed in the early 1960’s. The pump station bricks along with the steel portion of the structure is failing and the capacity of the lift station has been exceeded due to the development in that area. The total cost of this project is $833,858 and will be completed weather dependent in the next few months. The previous 6” force-main has been rerouted from Willow Street to the 15” Interceptor sewer on Commonwealth Drive.

These important upgrades to the MEWS wastewaster system will allow MEWS to comply with Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

Remember, if you ever experience sewer problems, MEWS is available 24/7. Simply call MEWS at 270-247-4661 and a representative will respond to correct the problem or recommend a course of action.